Lucy Letby: Nurse Accused Of Baby Deaths | Updates!


(Lucy Letby, Picture credit: Daily Mail)

When I wrote about this case back in November 2020, I expected people to be horrified because that is an understandable and normal reaction to hearing that babies had been murdered. All fingers & evidence were pointing towards one person in particular over a long period of time and investigation, but I never expected to have messages, emails and tweets telling me that myself and the police were wrong and that the lady in question, Lucy Letby was and is 100% innocent. 

How these people who claimed her to be innocent and say they know that to be fact, is a complete mystery to me. So the hours that investigators have spent on this case and the fact that she's been arrested more than once doesn't seem to register with some people. We know of miscarriages of justice happening but how do we know for sure that Lucy Letby (as some of these people claim) is completely innocent? 

The police have been like a dog with a bone with this case, no matter how thorough the investigation, all roads kept leading back to Lucy Letby, hence why she is sitting in a cell right now waiting for her trial. She claims to be innocent but like I mentioned in my previous post a lot of this case echos that of Beverley Allitt. 

On the face of it, both women looked like the type who would bake you cakes and be all smiles with you but as we know, evil has many faces. Beverley looked harmless on the surface and when she was accused of murder there was absolute outcry at that and many people to this day cannot believe what she did. we see a similar reaction here. 

All murder cases are extremely difficult to deal with and it's heartbreaking when people of any age are murdered but there's something even more gut wrenching when it's babies who have had their lives taken. You think about the parents and the hell and grief that they must be going through all because they wanted the best for their child and expected their child to be taken care of. Don't we always say to people in hospital when they are sick ''Don't worry, you are in the best place you could possibly be''. 

It's not a common thing (thank goodness) but there are times when the people we trust to take care of us and our wellbeing in a medical capacity, simply have other ideas, they are psychopaths who enjoy having power, they have access to medications, you are vulnerable, they put something in your arm and you are trusting them and having confidence in them to take care of you. When we hear of Nurses and Doctors being involved in these types of crimes it is quite frightening. You may remember my posts about Dr Harold Shipman who also looked nice and friendly, was well liked in the community for years but behind closed doors was an absolute monster.

So I promised to update my readers on the Lucy Letby case, well as you know, she has been charged with the murder of 8 babies and the attempted murder of 10 babies, that is a lot of horrifying charges right there. She appeared in court yesterday just for a hearing via video link and she pleaded ''Not guilty'' 18 times to the charges put before her. 

All of the crimes took place at the same hospital (The Neonatal Unit of The Countess of Chester Hospital) and the murders and attempted murders were said to have taken place between June 2015 to June 2016, like I said before, this has been a lengthy investigation.

Originally the trial (which is estimated to last for about 6 months) was to begin in January of 2022 but is now set to take place in October of 2022 due to all the paperwork, evidence and fine details included. The judge has described this case as of a high ''Magnitude and complexity''.

So none of us will know all of the exact details involved or the outcome of this case until 2023. I'm sure it will go down in the history books as one of the most lengthy and complicated murder investigations in British history. 

Due to the nature of the crimes, the ages of the victims and out of respect for the families it has been reported that the newspapers may not be able to shed any light on what will be taking place during the trial. We may find out the details afterwards if she is found guilty by a jury. 

Years from now, books will be written about this case, documentaries will be made, I could be writing another update on this blog? who knows? I will bring you the news as soon as I hear anything. 

If you haven't had a chance yet to check out my original post on this case, please do so here, it will give you more of an idea of the background. 

Let me just say this, if the investigators are wrong and the evidence they have is wrong, this could be one of the biggest miscarriages of justice the UK has ever seen but going by everything we know so far and how long this has all taken, it doesn't look very good from where she is standing. 

What are your thoughts? 

My heart, as always, goes out to those little babies and their families. I can't imagine the utter nightmare this must be for them. I pray they see justice done. 

Further Reading & Sources:

UPDATE: October 2022: Lucy Letby is currently on trial. The trial is expected to last up to 6 months. She has. I will be updating with more details on this case soon....

UPDATE: August 2023: After a 10 month trial, Lucy Letby was found guilty of the murder of 7 babies and the attempted murder of 6 babies. She will be sentenced at a later date. 

UPDATE: 21st of August 2023: Lucy Letby was sentenced to a whole life order, meaning she will never be released from prison. She did not attend her sentencing. 

UPDATE: May 2024: Lucy Letby is denied permission to appeal against her convictions. 

UPDATE: July 2024: After a retrial for one of the young victims that she was accused of murdering, she was again found guilty. She was also handed another whole life term which is her 15th to date. 

Thank you for checking out my update on this case & I hope you'll join me in my next post for a new true crime case every Sunday x


  1. They say one death is a death to many... πŸ˜”πŸ’”

    But when that death is that of an innocent newborn child or in this case children that statement takes on an even more heartbreaking meaning. πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜”πŸ’”

    I hope that the prosecution puts down such undeniable and irrefutable evidence that she never sees the light of day. That Lucy is denied any possibility of ever having her freedom and that she rots in that prison with nothing but the faces of those innocent children she killed to haunt her day and night.

    Truly heartbreaking and a truly sick twisted person. I appreciate this update and I hope that Lucy is found guilty on all counts. πŸ™

    1. Thank you for checking out the post, much appreciated x

    2. big statement, when you have no idea if she is guilty or not. the police were convinced Rebecca Leighton poisoned patients - she was charged and assumed guilty

  2. I‘m from Germany. I‘m not familiar with british law.

    How can it be possible that Letby has to wait such a long time until she faces her judge?

  3. If she is found innocent she will be set for life, because they will have held her in custody for over a year. She will get massive compo.
