Jeremy Spoke In Class Today | The Heartbreaking True Story Behind The Classic Pearl Jam Song

(Collage put together by this blog's author. Original picture of Jeremy taken from his memorial page)

*Please be aware before you read this post that I will be talking about suicide and bullying. As always I will try to be as sensitive as I can whilst sharing the details without taking away from the facts of the story*

As you know, most of my posts deal with horrific true crime cases and serial murder, obviously being a true crime blog, but there is the odd occasion where I like to write about different topics such as historical moments or unexplained mysteries. In this post (which is to do with a heartbreaking tragedy that took place in the early 90s) I have decided to write about Jeremy Wade Delle. 

Jeremy's story (which is not unfamiliar with fans of the legendary band, Pearl Jam) has been requested quite a number of times and I did wonder how I would fit the story into this blog but I've decided to talk about it because it is an important and heartbreaking moment in history and as Eddie Vedder was trying to do with his song 'Jeremy' (partially written about Jeremy's story), it's important that we remember his story and carry on his legacy. 

So before we begin getting into the real story about what happened to Jeremy, I would like to re-visit the lyrics of the famous song that was written by Eddie Jerome Vedder & Jeffrey Allen Ament. The song had been written after Eddie had seen a small mention of Jeremy's death in the newspaper and it had a profound effect on him. He wanted this young boy to be remembered and felt that he deserved a lot more that a tiny section in a newspaper. The song (which was criticised by Jeremy's family) and the accompanying video was based on Jeremy and a boy that Eddie had known from his childhood who was involved in a shooting at his school. Some of the lyrics are not factual but the whole idea was to grab people's attention and pay importance to how young people are treated in society, especially at school and at home. Eddie wanted to open up a conversation about mental health and bullying as well as bring awareness and paying tribute to Jeremy. 

The song is a classic and it has done what it set out to do which is bring people to Jeremy's story. The sad story began in 1991 and we are still talking about it in 2024 which has a lot to do with this song. Jeremy's family were not happy with the song and have spoken about it publicly in recent times. They do not wish for Jeremy just to be remembered for his death but for his extreme talents and the bright boy that he was. As his mother said ''One day did not define his life''. 

Jeremy by Pearl Jam

At home drawing pictures of mountain tops with him on top. Lemon-yellow sun. Arms raised in a V. And the dead lay in pools of maroon below. 

Daddy didn't give attention, Oh, to the fact that Mommy didn't care. King Jeremy the wicked. Oh, ruled his world. 

Jeremy spoke in class today. Jeremy spoke in class today. 

Clearly I remember picking on the boy, seemed a harmless little f**k. But we unleashed the lion, gnashed his teeth and bit the recess lady's breast. How could I forget? 

And he hit me with a surprise left. My jaw left hurting, Ooh, dropped wide open, just like the day. Oh, like the day I heard. 

Daddy didn't give affection, no. And the boy was something that Mommy wouldn't wear. King Jeremy the wicked. Oh, ruled his world. 

Jeremy spoke in class today. Jeremy spoke in class today. Jeremy spoke in class today. Jeremy spoke in class today. 

Try to forget this (try to forget this). Try to erase this (try to erase this) from the blackboard. 

Jeremy spoke in, spoke in. Jeremy spoke in, spoke in, Jeremy spoke in class today. 

Jeremy Wade Delle was just 15 years old when he arrived to his English class late on the Tuesday morning of the 8th of January 1991 at Richardson High School (in Richardson, Texas. He'd not long been a student at the school since moving over from Bryan Adams High School). His teacher, Fay Barnett, told him to go to the school office to collect a admittance slip. It was just another situation in a long line of problems that the young teenager had been dealing with and when he eventually returned to class, to everyone's horror, Jeremy, instead of an admittance slip, produced a .357 Caliber Magnum gun (which he had stolen from his Dad's girlfriend's house) stood at the front of the class and told his teacher and about 30 fellow students ''Miss, I got what I really went for.'' Before anyone could respond or intervene, Jeremy placed the gun into his mouth and pulled the trigger. 

The whole horrifying moment was so quick and traumatic, people were screaming and running down the hallway. The kids in the other classrooms were wondering what was going on because they heard a loud bang. People in the hallway were confused because they heard a loud noise followed by commotion. One boy who was his at locker thought that someone had slammed a book very hard down on a desk, it was only when he saw people screaming and crying that he realised that something terrible had happened, he walked towards Mrs Barnett's classroom and dared to peek inside and there he saw the blood on the ground and realised that someone had taken their own life. 

Jeremy's death sent shockwaves through not only the school but the local community. How could a boy so young think to do such a thing? What had been going on in his life that he felt that there was no other choice? Questions were going around in people's minds, especially those close to him. He was just a child but he had been through so much. When going into his background I felt that Jeremy was more like a 15 year old going on 18. He'd been through a bit of an upheaval of an upbringing due to his parents difficulties in their relationship and divorce. He managed to get himself involved in drugs and troubles with the school. He'd been battling depression for a long time and his parents did what they could, authorities were involved and he did spend some time in care but somehow it was not what he needed. Back then it was like nobody knew how to deal with him because mental health wasn't as spoken about as openly as it is today. He was just seen as being disruptive and a bit off the rails instead of anyone really looking into what was causing his behaviour and depression. 

Girls weren't an issue for Jeremy, he may have had other problems going on in his life but getting a girlfriend was not one of them. He was a good looking young boy and had relationships but when things turned sour he struggled to cope. He'd attempted suicide in the past and was always threatening to do it again. 

It's unclear when things started to take a dark turn for Jeremy but his mother remembers him as a happy, talented child who had a natural gift for drawing. At the age of 7 he drew the most incredible picture of an elephant, it was like something you would see in an art gallery. He'd created a number of drawings and each one was stunning and it was unbelievable how he was able to create such pieces at a young age. His mother has all of his drawings framed and up on display. There's no denying that she was incredibly proud of her son and that is the way she would like him to be remembered, as the talented artist and happy young boy that he was instead of what was portrayed in the song or simply as the boy who took his own life. 

As I previously mentioned, Eddie Vedder created the song as a sort of tribute to Jeremy although the facts are not 100% and part of the song was also about his experiences with a boy that he knew from his childhood. Nonetheless, whenever he sings the song he always thinks of Jeremy Wade Delle. The friends of Jeremy, his family and the witnesses that were there on that sad January morning have a different view, the song has brought them great pain because it's tells a different story that other people may take as fact. 

Jeremy's life has been a talking point for many years, he'd been suicidal for a long time, had made attempts in the past and made threats to do it again as well as keeping strange things in his school locker such as a deer foot and a book on cults. His behaviour was strange to say the least and he had been involved in drugs. It seemed that this poor young man didn't know what direction he was going in and kept a lot of it to himself. He was described as quiet and depending on who you talk to, people will say he was bullied and others will say they never witnessed him being bullied. But another question remains, why would he take his life in front of his teacher and fellow students? were they a huge source of his pain? Did they bully him and did the teacher do nothing to stop the harassment? 

We know that he planned to do this, he'd written some suicide letters and made audio tapes for certain people. One of his friends was given what she thought was a letter from him but it was actually a suicide note but she didn't get a chance to open it until after the fact. Another friend had commented that on the Monday he had given her a note (as they would often pass notes to each other in class) and instead of signing the usual ''write back'', he wrote ''Later Days''.

When the letter was finally opened and the discovery that it was indeed a suicide note was realised, it read (in Jeremy's beautiful handwriting which was another one of his talents): 

To whoever I decide this is to, I have a lot going on, a little too much. More than I can handle. I'm in too much pain and I just want YOU to understand why I'm doing this. I don't hate myself, I hate what's going on in my life, my parents, a new school. I feel like I don't fit in nowhere. I realize that there will be friends that will try to ask me why. Because I feel like I have to. I feel it's the only way. I figure it been so many y'all won't even know I'm gone and as for ones that tried to hurt me, you didn't, sorry. Nancy, by the time you get this letter I will have blown my head off, aka suicide, better known as (last way out), News flash - not your fault. It's Michelle's, along with 137.5 other problems. I was just writing to see if you wanted to go to the funeral. Call my house and ask for my Dad 690-5338. At least you didn't have to hear the boom. Love, Jeremy Wade Delle. 

The suicide note is a heartbreaking read and really brings home just how young he was, there's a tragedy and heartbreaking sweetness to it with him inviting his friend to his funeral and telling them to call his Dad for further details. It's certainly one of the saddest things I have ever read, knowing that he had thought this all out and was so determined to do it. Sometimes when people have suicidal thoughts it's usually the writing of the notes to loved ones that can bring a moment of clarity, a realisation of what they are planning to do and what heartbreak they would be leaving behind. For Jeremy to have written several notes and recorded tapes (and from his previous attempts at taking his own life) it was clear that, despite just being a young boy with his whole life ahead of him, he'd come to a point where he felt that he couldn't continue. He had a lot to deal with and a lot of big changes in his life. The part in the suicide note ''for the ones that tried to hurt me, you didn't, sorry'', was that a defiant last message to the bullies? 

People close to Jeremy say that although he was troubled, his actions on that Tuesday morning where out of character for him. To have taken his life in front of everyone when he was usually the sort of person to hide things, keep things to himself it was almost as if it was a final ''F**k you'' to the world or the bullies and that particular class. 

From interviews I have watched and read during my research, it was clear that even in his short life Jeremy had a huge impact on people who were close to him, people still cry today when they think about him. Some people wish they had been able to recognise the signs and had reached out to him before it was too late. From what I've researched about Jeremy he seemed to be pretty strong minded and I don't think anything would have stood in his way once he had decided to do something. 

Do I think that Pearl Jam were right to have written and released 'Jeremy'? Well, I don't agree with some of the content of the song and the sensationalization of the video but I understand why it was made that way (no disrespect to Jeremy or his family). It was done to bring attention to Jeremy's story at a time when mental illness was kept in the darkness and nobody would talk about it. The song and the video encouraged people to talk and it is because of this song that I learned of Jeremy's story. Have we learned and gotten better at spotting the signs of young teenagers going through depression and the difficulties they face? I would like to think that we have improved and come a long way since 1991. We are certainly more open to talk about mental health and there is more help available. We still have a long way to go but some people are open to admit they have mental health struggles, are on medications or are attending therapy. I'm not a parent so I cannot comment on schools but I have heard that support for students in schools not only in America but here in the UK has improved. 

There are various sites that are dedicated to Jeremy, including the incredible Jeremy Wade Delle website which on opening has Jeremy's memorial stone with the tag line by Jeremy's mother ''One day does not define your life'' across the screen. Some websites have not been updated for a long time but the message and the story of Jeremy is still around, nobody will ever forget him, not just because of the song but because of what he left behind, the love from those that knew him best and his incredible art work. 

(One of Jeremy's incredible pieces of art. He drew this award-winning picture when he was just 7 years old. Picture credit: wfaa)

RIP Jeremy x

Jeremy's final resting place is at Restland Memorial Park in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. You can lay flowers and a note at his online memorial here

Further Reading & Sources

If you are currently going through a hard time and looking for a friendly ear or some support, please don't hesitate to come and chat to me or contact the info relevant to you below: 

Samaritans UK [24 Hours]: 116 123 | Samaritans Website

My email address: 

Thank you for getting through this post with me, I really appreciate it and as always I welcome your thoughts on this heartbreaking story. Please feel free to comment below or contact me personally to share your views or memories of Jeremy. 

Take care and I hope to see you in my next post x

The Cult of Wade Wilson: His life, his crimes and his obsessed fans! | UPDATES!

(Original picture of Wade Wilson: The News Press. Collage created by Caledonian Kitty)

*Please be aware before reading this post that I will be sharing some very disturbing details involving violence towards women and murder*

''I killed a b**ch, I choked a b**ch out'' - Wade Wilson. 

Do you ever go on to social media at times and think ''Stop the world I want to get off?'' with some of the things you see? Well, I'm sure everyone and their mother right now knows who 'Wade Wilson' is. Maybe you don't know his name but you'll have seen his face, it's hard to miss it. The cocky, self assured prat that was sat in an electric blue jacket and yellow tie (he must have taken inspiration from Bananaman - 1980s British cartoon about a boy who ate too many bananas that he turned into a superhero) smirking as his horrific crimes were read out in the courtroom and as the family and friends of his victims sobbed their hearts out. 

I know just by writing this post that I am running the risk of having a hoard of psychotic females after me but I couldn't care less. What I do care about is the fact that two innocent women were brutally murdered, almost a third if it hadn't been the fact that too many people were watching. Also not forgetting the fact that he left a lot of traumatized ex-girlfriends behind him. It seems to be that if you go into Wade's background it appears that he had a habit of using, abusing and hurting those around him. 

Like a lot of people, I followed the trial and did my research into his background. The red flags were there all along which his adoptive family claim didn't come into display until he was 13. Wade's biological parents were just 14 and 15 when he was born and due to his young mother's addiction to drugs and mental health issues he was adopted whilst still a baby by a family who were known to his parents. It's unclear if his adoptive parents had told Wade that they were not his biological parents from a young age so he was aware of it. They claim that he had a great relationship with them and his adoptive siblings until he turned 13. 

When you are adopted as a child but are unaware of it until you are told maybe when you are a teenager, that can be quite traumatic. I remember finding out that my Dad wasn't my biological father when I was 14 and I was heartbroken and felt lost, like my whole life had been a lie and I didn't know who I was. Luckily I was able to push past that because my Dad is an incredible man and always treated me like one of his own. I'm not placing blame on Wade's adoptive parents but it would be interesting to see exactly what shaped his views and what kicked off this behaviour from the age of just 13 years old. There may have been red flags before that they chose to ignore?

Wade's childhood was troubled, not only did he suffer a number of head traumas and accidents (for which he had numerous CT scans) he got caught selling drugs at school and starting taking them himself as well as committing petty theft. The results from his CT scans never showed up anything alarming but a lot of people argue that a MRI scan would have been a more better approach to see exactly what possible damage could have been done by these head traumas and accidents. An MRI scan would have given a more detailed scan of his brain. In recent times he has been examined (to some extent because he can often he uncooperative) and his lawyers and experts in the medical field believe that there is some possible damage to Wade's brain from past physical trauma and that in combination with the drugs is what has resulted in his behaviours over the years. Others believe that blaming the possible brain damage and drugs is just an excuse to explain away someone who is simply just evil through and through. 

Despite offers of support over the years Wade continued to spiral and the drugs took full hold of him. It seemed that the drugs became the most important thing in his life and he would stop at nothing to get his next fix. There continued to be this burning anger inside him that seemed to just grow and grow especially towards women. It would be interesting to learn where the hatred towards women came from because we know he wasn't/is not an incel (involuntarily celibate) and had no problems with getting attention from the opposite sex but one wonders if it was a resentment towards his biological mother? Despite the fact that his mother was a young teenager with substance abuse issues and struggled with mental health (to a lot of people they would be able to understand why it wasn't in his best interests to have been placed in his mother's care but maybe he couldn't accept it, maybe he felt that he was abandoned or that she chose the drugs over him?). Whatever the real story, Wade never experienced that proper mother to child bond that a child needs so desperately, especially during the early development of a child's life. 

The most important relationship and the very first relationship you have in your life is with your parents. If there are issues within that structure it can have an affect on a child's development and their future behaviours and views towards relationships in their adult life. All we know is, is that he has a lot of hate towards women to the point he sexually assaulted them, disrespected them, stole from them, used them, beat them and then finally went on to murder two innocent women (whilst claiming that he would have murdered his girlfriend if he'd been given half the chance but it was too public where they were but he did assault and punch her to the point that she was bleeding - side note: when this horrible altercation was retold in court, Wade sat smirking).

Wade contacted his biological father when he was 18 but it wasn't the big family reunion that either of them expected. By that point, Wade was a mess with the drugs, no job, no money and just looking for someone else to sponge off of. I'm sure his biological father wasn't exactly jumping for joy to find that his son had ended up down a dark path in life. I spoke earlier about the possible resentment that Wade may have felt towards his mother, could it be that he felt the same about his father too like ''Why didn't you come looking for me when you got older?, why did I have to seek you out?''. Again, I'm just thinking out loud and maybe one day we may know all of the answers to these questions but like I said before, that extreme anger had to come from somewhere. 

Wade's attitude towards his biological father was pretty much the same as his attitude towards everyone else. He started to treat his Dad like an ATM machine, only calling him when he wanted money. 

Wade's life was showing no sign of improvement and when he severely assaulted his ex-girlfriend (gagged, sexually assaulted her whilst also leaving deep bite marks on her face and chin). The terrified woman contacted the authorities and long story short, he managed to get away with it. If this horrendous incident had been taken more seriously, Kristine Melton and Diane Ruiz would probably be alive today. There were many moments where things should have been dealt with differently and could have prevented this horrific outcome but sadly it wasn't to be. 

So in the space of just hours he managed to brutally murder two women, Kristine Melton (35) and Diane Ruiz (43). He never knew either of the victims beforehand and had met Kristine at a bar. Using a false name he managed to charm Kristine and her friend and they partied together and everything seemed to be fine. Kristine and Wade slept together and the next day when Kristine's friend went home, leaving the pair alone and Kristine in bed asleep, he strangled Kristine. From the details of the autopsy we know that he did more to Kristine than just the horrific strangulation. She had several hellish internal injuries as well as broken finger nails (Kristine's nails were acrylic and some were broken off, proving that she must have put up one hell of a fight against this monster). He wrapped Kristine's body up and left her on the floor before stealing her car to go and pick up his girlfriend who he planned to assault and murder, when that plan failed (although he did horrendously attack her in front of witnesses) he took off in Kristine's car again, looking for another victim. 

He spotted Diane Ruiz just walking on the sidewalk and stopped to ask her for directions, he was able to charm Diane into the car. At first it was friendly but Diane soon felt like something was not right and Wade claimed that he could tell she was scared (and that was something that he really enjoyed, women being frightened of him) and wanted to get out of the car. He stopped the car in the pretence that he was going to let her out but instead reached over and choked her. He thought she was dead but noticed at some point that she was still alive. Diane ended up on the ground outside of the car where Wade claimed that he continued to drive over her body 10-20 times to the point that he said (his words) ''she looked like spaghetti'' 

After he had coldly discarded Diane's body he broke into a house where the owners were (fortunately) out of town he then helped himself to their food and contacted his biological father begging for money and a Uber whilst bragging with excitement that he just murdered two women. 

His father didn't miss a beat and contacted the cops and Wade was taken into custody. For his fans who make excuses and claim his horrendous actions were due to drugs, how do they explain that three days after the murders, Wade was still bragging to investigators about the murders telling them that he would do it again and that he wanted to kill his girlfriend too. He called Kristine a 'Bit**' and spoke about her with such hate whilst gloating about running over Diane until she looked like spaghetti. He didn't show any regret or remorse then and he's certainly not showing it now. 

All the way through this even when the crime scenes were described in chilling detail, he sat there unbothered, pathetic and at times smirking. The only time I ever saw some shred of emotion in those cold, soulless eyes was when his biological father took the stand. We may never know the truth of why Wade Wilson chose to become the monster that he has but some clue is in there with the reaction to his father. It was almost as if seeing his father talking about him in such a manner was another form of abandonment. If one is to believe that all of this hell stems from the fact that he grew up with a complex and feeling of rejection due to being adopted, it does make you wonder. Did he not only feel abandoned growing up but he felt it a second time when his father called the cops (what else was the man supposed to do?) and now a third time, talking about Wade on the stand with such a look of exhaustion and disappointment in his eyes. 

Sometimes Wade looked like a delinquent kid sat next to two male teachers in detention, Wade appears to be sat slouched and fidgeting, sometimes you would forget that this was supposed to be a 30 year old man. There's a clip floating about online where one of his lawyers is sitting next to him and the man (who looks to be in his late 50s) suddenly spots Wade's huge swastika tattoo on his scalp and looks horrified. 

''They can't get away from me, I'm too strong. I am a lion and they are my prey'' - Wade Wilson

I don't hate tattoos, I have some.....but what I do dislike is 'hate' tattoos! We thought it was bad enough when we saw the small swastika tattoo on his face but during my research into all the crap he's covered himself in, it's pure hate, references of white supremacy all over the place. So he hates women, he hates anyone who's not white, it's all hate, hate, hate but where does it all come from? That's the big question here. 

I discussed this with a friend of mine who knows the goings-on in prisons and they believe that Wade (due to the fact there was an incident in which he was jumped on and attacked by a group of guys) is part of a gang. Well, we known he is associated with a white supremacist group known as 'Unforgiven' but my friend says that the excessive tattoos on the face are a sign that Wade 'is property' of someone or a gang (ie: someone's b**ch). It's pretty obvious for a guy who has possibly felt abandoned his whole life to want to belong somewhere and to have that protection in prison. It's no secret that if you are part of a gang in prison there is a shield and some level of protection. 

The hand signals he was displaying in court were for his fellow gang members who were probably watching the trial in their cells. That actually happens, some prisoners have access to newspapers, TV and even playstations. 

So we know a bit about his background, the drugs, the murders and the fact that he is pure evil so why is such a large number of women drooling over him and showing complete disregard for the victims (and the survivors). In some cases they actually blame the victims and claim that Wade has mental health issues and that it's him that's the real victim. I can't believe my eyes at the endless streams and streams of fangirl comments over him on social media, TikTok seems to be the worst. I watched one video of his lawyer reacting to his swastika tattoo and the next thing I knew he was popping up all over my timeline but not in the way you would expect. These women have made music videos of him, there's pictures of him set to music. There's videos of him set in slow motion where he's walking into the courtroom, close ups of him smiling. And all of that is just the start, there's fan pages dedicated to him, 10 minutes of looking at this stuff and the comments underneath and you think you're in some crazy asylum with a bunch of nutcases who are desperate for a man, any man....even a murderer. 

We know that serial killer Ted Bundy and a host of other serial killers received fan mail from women. Ted Bundy was reportedly sent over 200 letters a month from women declaring their love for him. Chris Watts, the very 'man' who murdered his pregnant wife and two daughters receives fan mail. When I wrote about disgraced former singer Ian Watkins, I ended up being stalked by his serial stalker (this woman had been in the newspapers and Ian himself and the prison authorities had her banned from contacting him), the crazed woman wanted me to go into the prison for her. The whole thing was nuts especially as she was pretending to be about 5 different people initially until I called her out on it. That whole situation was bizarre with me ending up giving her some advice and some sort of therapy. I told her she needed to move on with her life. It turned out (as I suspect with these Wade Wilson fans) that this woman had been through a lot in her life and identified with Ian because of his lyrics and music. 

Wade was found guilty obviously but we now wait until the 23rd of July to find out if he is to receive the death penalty or life imprisonment. When the guilty verdict was read out he did the usual routine of acting like he didn't care. His fans were making excuses for him and explaining away his behaviour as ''he's on medication'' and ''he's trying to put on a brave face, poor baby''. 

I actually wish I could interview some of these Wade Wilson fans (anonymously of course) and find out what the actual score is. How can you be attracted to someone covered in hate tattoos, especially swastikas who enjoyed and celebrated killing two innocent women and took pleasure in domestic violence?

The trouble with these types of women (the correct term is 'Passive Hybristophilia' - a sexual attraction to someone involved in committing acts of murder) is that if they actually got their dream of being with Wade, they would soon get a very rude awakening, because despite what they believe (that they could change him, he'd treat them differently), Wade would take them for every penny, abuse them and (I hate to say it but let's be truthful) murder them. 

Where are we as a society that we've lost our human decency? Where has the empathy gone? The sympathy for the victims, the survivors and their families? 

An ex-girlfriend has posted a video on TikTok sharing her ordeal of what he put her through and some of the comments are beggars belief. This strong lady who's been through hell and fortunately lived to tell the tale, has been ridiculed by other women because of her looks and body. There's women who are actually jealous because this woman has gotten close to Wade and slated her as a '4' when he is a '10' (those are their words, not mine). Imagine calling a cold blooded murderer covered in swastika's a '10' (talk about setting your standards low....way low...well the gutter actually). 

I don't have sympathy for Wade Wilson, only for his victims, their families and the survivors. I feel sorry for his biological father too. That man looks like he's been through it too and he did the right thing (contacting authorities) because Wade would have continued to destroy lives and was dangerous. What should have been done in the first place was his ex-girlfriend should have been listened to when she reported the attack on her. As we've seen in a lot of cases I have covered over the years, red flags and warning signs were always there and in this case, it wasn't just red flags in the case of Wade Wilson, it was flashing red lights!!

Do I think he deserves the death penalty? Yes! If it was a case of brain damage and drugs and a moment of madness without the past history of violence towards women, I may have given him the benefit of the doubt if he expressed complete remorse for all that he has done. But, stone cold sober in the light of day he continued to brag about what he had done. He sat and looked at the pictures of his victims deceased bodies. He didn't even flinch when the details of how Diane Ruiz was found was shared to a horrified courtroom (Diane was unrecognisable due to severe decomposition, not to mention the state in which he had left her in after heartlessly running over her continuously).

I don't know if these Wade fans have actually been paying attention to the details of this case, it's all on YouTube for everyone to see. How can you listen to all of that, look at him and still think he's the best thing since sliced bread? Something is very wrong with our society.

That's my opinion and there's plenty of people in this world who face hardships every day and they don't go on to do what he did. He's thrown his life away but he threw it away years ago, from a very young age he headed down this dark path and just kept on going and the question is why? The hatred, the anger, where did that all come from? Questions that remain unanswered. 

I'm sure so many of us will be watching on the 23rd of July to see what the outcome is going to be. 

I will be posting regular updates on this post so keep your eyes peeled (all updates will appear at the end of the post). 

I just want to take a moment to remember the real victims in this case and the survivors who managed to get away from him. They are the ones that deserve all of the sympathy. 

RIP Kristine & Diane. 

(Kristine Melton. Picture credit: Newsweek)

(Diane Ruiz. Picture credit: News-press)

Further Reading & Sources:

If you have made it this far in the post I appreciate you taking the time to read it. As always I welcome your thoughts and comments on this, please leave them below or contact via email: 

Does Wade Wilson deserve the death penalty in your opinion? Maybe you are a fan of his and I would be interested to hear why you are so drawn to him, please feel free to email me where all comments and views shared will be treated in the strictest of confidence and I will not share your name or personal email details. 


Newsweek (July 2024): Reported that Wade has been inundated with over 3,900 messages from female fans whilst he awaits the final outcome of his fate on the 23rd of July. A huge number of the messages included pictures that were explicit in nature and had to be rejected by prison staff. 

More updates to follow... 

UPDATE!! July 20th: Fox4Now reported that Wade's sentencing to learn the outcome of his fate has been moved from the 23rd of July to the 27th of August. This is due to the request for more brain scans to be done to determine if he is indeed brain damaged. 

Thank you as always for your support and I hope you will join me in my next post. Take care until next time....

73 Questions Answered By Jo (Vogue - True Crime Style: 2024) | Get To Know Caledonian Kitty

(Yours truly - with Freddie's watchful eye in the background! Find me on all of my socials: Linktree)

On this blog I spend a lot of time writing about the dark side of life, the disturbing things that go on in our world and have gone on in the world. Sometimes it's good to take a step back and look at the good things in life and to take in some of the fresh air. Yes, there is a lot of evil in the world, we see it every day but there's also a lot of good in the world too. In the past I have had a lot of positive feedback and messages about my Q&A posts and since I have spent the last seven weeks talking about Serial Killers, I thought you might like to see something a little bit different for a change. I thought it was time for an updated version of my Vogue (true crime style) 73 questions post. 

Usually I would ask readers for any questions they would like to put forward but this was a random idea that just came to me on Friday night as I sat drinking my shortbread tea (Marks & Spencer do an amazing tea called 'Shortbread Tea' - it's need it in your life, trust me on this). I'm currently in the middle of planning my next series for this blog and I thought that whilst I'm here, cup of tea to the side of me, laptop on lap (it's actually balancing on a cushion), I thought I would just shoot the breeze with you if you don't mind?

So if you have time on your hands and there's nothing on the TV have a browse at my ramblings below and I hope you enjoy this post (don't worry I will be back to writing about doom and gloom soon enough but for now let's add a bit of lightness to things...I love you all by the way)

So here goes....

Q1) What's your favourite time of day? 

Probably in the morning when you have that first cup of coffee. There's nothing like it! I love a quiet, easy-going morning to enjoy that first cup. I'm not a morning person so I like a bit of time to myself to enjoy my first coffee of the day. 

Q2) What's your biggest weakness?

Not admitting at times that I need to take a break. I can push myself too hard at times when I should be resting and taking everything in my stride. 

Q3) What's your biggest strength?

My self motivation! Nobody has ever had to tell me to do anything, I already do it. I take it upon myself to do things and I have done that since as I was child. 

Q4) What's the biggest learning experience you've had?

I've had many experiences in my life where I have learned how strong I actually am but I have to say it was watching my grandmother for years. She battled cancer for a long time and you would never have known it by looking at her. She was an old-school Glaswegian (native of Glasgow, Scotland) and every day she would wake up, go out and do things, attend hospital appointments on her own. She was a very independent and strong woman and I treasure the memories of her every day. 

Q5) What's your idea of a perfect date? 

Chinese takeaway or pizza on the sofa with a stack of horror movies to watch.

Q6) What's one vice you wish you could give up? 

The addiction to caffeine but millions of people have that same addiction lol and in this day and age you're always bloody exhausted and need the extra boost. I've tried orange juice and ginger shots but they just don't cut the mustard!

Q7) What's a cause that's important to you? 

Well I always live in hope that a cure for cancer will be found. I also think that's it's important to have more focus on the victims of crime instead of glamorizing killers. We seem to be in a place at the moment where murderers (if they happen to be good looking) are idolized as if they are film stars. Of course we have had this situation since the days of Ted Bundy's show trials but still, it's so disrespectful to the victims, the survivors and their families. 

Q8) What's the best compliment you've ever received? 

I love it when people tell me that I am one of their favourite writers.

Q9) Sweet or savory? 

Both! This question has just made me think of Chinese takeaway. I love to order vegetarian spring rolls with sweet n sour sauce. 

Q10) What song can you listen to on repeat? 

Anything by Bryan Ferry / Roxy Music and this is a fact because I hear their music every day. I listen to them in the shower or bubblebath, it's part of my routine lol. 

Q11) When do you feel the most inspired? 

Knowing me, probably about 3 am when I'm supposed to be asleep!

Q12) What makes you smile the most?

Lots of things in my life, I have a lot to be grateful for. I count my blessings. 

Q13) What's one thing people don't know about you? 

I make my own homemade soup! It's funny because my grandmother made her own signature soup then my Dad made his in which he added chunks of potatoes. I have my own spin on both and I serve it with warm, crusty buttered's divine! I'm such a fabulous chef and anyone who's ever tried my soup loves it. 

Q14) Heels, flats or sneakers? 

Always heels!!!!

Q15) Vintage or new?


Q16) What are three things you can't live without? 

Makeup, perfume and Dino's pickles!

Q17) Window or aisle seat? 

Window, so I can put my headphones on and pretend I am in a music video lol. 

Q18) What's your current TV character obsession? 

It will always be Columbo!

Q19) Leather or lace? 

Always lace!

Q20) What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done? 

Probably loads of stuff but one thing comes to mind.....being dragged onto the Pepsi Max rollercoaster in Blackpool, England! The fact that I was even on that thing still shocks me (I had my eyes closed the whole time and hung on for dear life).

Q21) How would you define yourself in 3 words? 

Undefinable, Underestimated and Eccentric!

Q22) What's your current favourite piece of clothing that you own? 

Either my Versace or Armani skinny tees. 

Q23) What's inspiring you in life right now? 

I've always been heavily into aromatherapy oils and crystals. I've been keeping a lot of Rose Quartz around me lately and it's making me feel more relaxed with positive energy. 

Q24) What's the best piece of advice you've received? 

To never give up and consistency is key!

Q25) What's your pet peeve? 

People who judge me for my writing. I blocked a guy yesterday on X because he said ''You're actually a nice person for someone who's obsessed with Serial Killers''. Anyone who is a regular reader or knows me personally, knows I and not a fan of serial killers and that ridiculous statement just dismisses me as just some sort of crazy fan girl instead of a person who is working so hard on their dream to be a published writer. 

Q26) Diamonds or pearls?

As Marilyn once sang....''Diamonds are a girl's best friend''. 

Q27) What's something you notice about someone when you first meet them? 

Teeth, nails or style. 

Q28) What's your biggest regret?

I think regrets are good because they teach you a lesson but I would love to have seen George Michael live in concert. 

Q29) What's heavily played on your playlist right now? 

Sabrina Carpenter's 'Espresso'. I have such a girly crush on her right now.

Q30) What's your favourite board game? 

Atmosphere or Connect 4

Q31) What's your guilty pleasure?

Watching 90's WWE

Q32) What book did you most recently finish? 

I think it was Britney Spears's autobiography. I usually don't have time to focus on just one book as I tend to use various ones for research. 

Q33) How do you start your day? 

Wake up, check my phone, answer messages, make coffee and get my glam on. 

Q34) What's your favourite holiday?


Q35) If you could raid one woman't closet, who would it be? 

Sabrina Carpenter.

Q36) If you could switch lives with one person for a day, who would it be? 

Mariah Carey 

Q37) What's one thing you've always wanted to try but been too scared to? 

Well I keep going back and forth about getting my belly-button pierced (I've seen and heard such horror stories) 

Q38) What's one thing you wish you knew at 19? 

How actually strong I was and that I had everything I needed (even a that age) to succeed. 

Q39) Besides your phone or wallet, what are a couple of must-have handbag items?

For me.....nail glue and eyelash glue lol!

Q40) If you were not a writer what would you be doing? 

Makeup artistry. 

Q41) What's something you can't do? 

Save money and anything to do with mathematics. 

Q42) Where was the best vacation you've ever taken? 

Sounds soppy but I just love visiting back home in Scotland.

Q43) What's one city you've always dreamed of going to?

Ever since I was a child it has been Rome.

Q44) What's something you always travel with? 

Makeup bag and perfume.

Q45) Favourite food? 

Right now, vegetarian sushi or Focaccia bread. 

Q46) Favourite dessert?

Chocolate gateaux 

Q47) Favourite snack? 

Cheese and marmite oatcakes or Dino's pickles.

Q48) What's a movie that made you cry? 

The Notebook

Q49) What's your favourite movie of the last five years? 

Late Night With The Devil

Q50) What's the one talent you wish you had? 

To be able to sing

Q51) What's your favourite exercise? 

I love my cross-trainer, it works every part of the body and keeps me toned. 

Q52) Who's your favourite band?

I have many but I have a special love for Depeche Mode. 

Q53) What's your favourite fast food order?

Maccie D's fries (if I'm on my period I'll ask for two portions), McPlant burger and either a donut or McFlurry. I tend to have my own sugar-free drinks and ketchup at home. 

Q54) What's something you don't want to be doing in 10 years? 

Struggling financially 

Q55) What's the cutest thing on earth? 

A baby's laughter 

Q56) What's the best thing that has happened this year? 

Ask me again in December lol. 

Q57) What's your favourite cocktail? 

Orgasm or Sex on The Beach

Q58) Which movie makes you laugh the hardest? 

Office Space or Step Brothers.

Q59) What do you usually eat for dinner? 

Whatever I fancy on any given day. I like a little bit of everything - vegetarian of course!

Q60) What do you usually eat for lunch? 

A cheese and Quorn ham sandwich with Dino's pickles!

Q61) What do you usually eat for breakfast?

Special K oats and honey cereal with a huge mug of coffee. 

Q62) What's your favourite thing in the world? 


Q63) What's your favourite colour?

Pink or black

Q64) What colour do you wear the most? 

Pink, black, burgundy or red

Q65) What are three words to describe living in England? 

Expensive, busy and beautiful (scenery) 

Q66) Do you like surprises? 

Nice ones, yes!

Q67) What's one thing you had to learn the hard way? 

That some people may not have your best intentions at heart

Q68) What's something you're tired of? 

Crazy people going around chucking oil and paint over famous paintings and landmarks

Q69) What cheers you up when your sad? 

Happy memories, a bubblebath or retail therapy. 

Q70) What's a trend you would like to see vanish forever? 

Turkey teeth, BBLs and duck lips! 

Q71) What did you want to do with your life at age 12? 

I wanted to be an actress in Eastenders.

Q72) How long have you been writing about true crime? 

Since 2019

Q73) What true crime documentary would you recommend to someone? 

Check out a documentary called 'Talhotblond'. That will blow your socks off!!!

Well, there you have it, 73 questions answered and my left hand is starting to fall off! I hope you found this post an interesting read and feel like you know me that little bit more. Sometimes it's good to get a bigger picture of the person behind the writing and I appreciate you making it this far. 

I hope you will join me in my next post on this blog where I will be starting my new series. As to what that's going to be? I'm not quite sure but rest assured I will put my all into it as always. 

See you next time x...

10 Facts You May Not Know About Serial Killer....Dennis Rader (BTK)

(A recent mugshot of Dennis Rader. Picture credit: reddit)

In this final instalment in my '10 Facts You May Not Know About Serial Killers' series, the focus is on the infamous Dennis Rader otherwise known as BTK. If you haven't had a chance over the past weeks to check out the individuals that I have covered in this series, please see the posts below:

Ted Bundy

John Wayne Gacy

Richard Ramirez

Jeffrey Dahmer

Aileen Wuornos

Dennis Nilsen

Also, check out the post I had written about BTK some time ago here.

So, let's get into this final instalment....

1) BTK stands for Bind, Torture, Kill. Dennis Rader gave himself this nickname.

2) Like a lot of serial killers before and since BTK, Dennis would have a horrific hobby of torturing animals as a child. He fixated on cats as his main target.

3) Dennis was accidentally dropped on his head as a child and it is believed that this event may have caused long lasting brain damage which would later affect his ability to feel remorse as well as his bizarre and sickening activities. 

4) Dennis saw the infamous serial killer Ted Bundy as an inspiration.

5) Dennis would stalk his victims for weeks, sometimes months and would view them as projects. Some victims were later murdered and some luckily never met an unfortunate end as they'd been able to somehow avoid him by chance of not being home on a particular day. 

6) He has never shown any remorse for his crimes and when questioned about the horrendous things that he has done, he is so cavalier about it. 

7) During the attack and murder of one of his victims he locked her children in the bathroom. 

8) Dennis Rader was very open about his crimes and confessed in chilling details about what took place. 

9) Dennis's daughter Kerri often speaks publicly not only about her relationship with her father (which she also documented in the book: A Serial Killer's Daughter) but is supportive to victims of crime. 

10) Dennis Rader is still alive and well in prison. He was given 10 life sentences but was not placed on Death Row due to it not being reinstated at the time. 

My heart goes out to the victims and survivors of Dennis Rader. The story of BTK will forever be a horrifying and disturbing case which none of us will ever come to understand. 

Further Reading & Sources:

Thank you so much for joining me these past 7 weeks in this series, I hope that you found each of these posts informative. I will be taking a break for this coming week but I will be back with a new series in July of which I hope you'll continue to join me. 

Stay safe.....until next time x 

10 Facts You May Not Know About Serial Killer....Dennis Nilsen | #TrueCrime With @CaledonianKitty

(Dennis Nilsen. Picture credit: imdb)

When some people talk about Dennis Nilsen, they often refer to him as the UK's version of Jeffrey Dahmer. There are similarities between the two but unlike Jeffrey, Dennis is often not spoken about as much or as over-glamourized. I've mentioned the crimes of Dennis Nilsen briefly on this blog in the past but I will be doing a more in-depth post on him soon. In the meantime, here is the sixth instalment in my '10 Facts You May Not Know About Serial Killer...' series and the focus is on UK serial killer, Dennis Andrew Nilsen.

1) Dennis was born on the 23rd of November 1945 in Fraserburgh, Scotland. 

2) He was said to have been responsible for the gruesome murders of 15 men and boys, possibly more. As with a lot of serial killers, nobody can ever be 100% sure of the exact number of victims.

3) When it came to nicknames often given to serial killers by the media, Dennis was often referred to as 'The Muswell Hill Murderer' but is mostly just known by his real name, Dennis Nilsen.

4) Due to the fact that Nilsen committed his crimes in the UK and was a UK native, his sentence was not death but life imprisonment no matter how disturbing his crimes had been. The death penalty was suspended by the UK in 1964 and officially made illegal in 1998. 

5) Nilsen died at the age of 72 due to complications following surgery on his abdominal area. 

6) Nilsen's crimes were discovered when a local plumber was sent out to the property he was living in. The drains had been blocked due to the gruesome practice of Dennis flushing human remains down the toilet. 

7) He had spent some time in the Army and trained as a chef. 

8) He once worked in a Jobcentre as an employment advisor helping skilled labourers with employment opportunities. 

9) Brian Masters wrote a very detailed book about his correspondence with Dennis Nilsen whilst he was in prison. You can find the book here. A TV series based on the book was also later released to critical acclaim with the brilliant David Tennant in the role as Nilsen. 

10) Dennis had a dog that he doted on. After his arrest the police thought it would be best for the dog to be 'put to sleep' because they believed that nobody would want to adopt a dog that had previously been owned by a serial killer. 

As mentioned before, I will be covering the disturbing case of Dennis Nilsen in more detail so stay tuned for that. I hope that you found this post to be an interesting read even though parts were disturbing. 

RIP to the known victims of Dennis Nilsen. I know quite a bit about the case and I'm surprised myself that I haven't covered it yet. I know that there was also survivors of Nilsen, one unfortunately could never get over the horrific trauma that Dennis had put him through and the man sadly took his own life. I will talk all about that and more in my future post. 

Further Reading & Sources:

Killing For Company | Book by Brian Masters

Dennis Nilsen | Wikipedia

Dennis Nilsen | Murderpedia

The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers | Book by Michael Newton

I hope you will join me next time for the final instalment in this series.

Stay safe, until next time x 

10 Facts You May Not Know About Serial Killer....Aileen Wuornos | #TrueCrime With @CaledonianKitty

(Aileen Wuornos. Picture credit:

In the fifth instalment of this series, I am focusing on the female serial killer (arguably known as America's First Female Serial Killer) the infamous Aileen Wournos. Even those who may not be avid true crime readers or watchers of serial killer documentaries know who Aileen is. Mostly thanks in part to the incredible (if not 'patchy') movie 'Monster' which brought to us the amazing transformation of Charlize Theron into her character, Aileen. You may wonder why I say that Monster is 'patchy', well some of the details in the movie were inaccurate and there was a lot of things that were kept out the story. For example, the courtroom scene where Aileen is found guilty, in the movie the dialogue is tame but in reality, Aileen shouted horrendous abuse at people, screaming ''I hope your wife and kids get ***** up the ***''. The director of Monster kept certain facts out of the movie because it would have taken away the 'sympathy' that Aileen was a tragic figure who had been done wrong and was lashing out. The truth was that Aileen had been through hell but she also took advantage, abused and murdered people for her own gain. There were people who tried to help Aileen and she either robbed or murdered them and I'm not just talking about the men that she met. 

And don't get me started on Tyria Moore who used Aileen, knew fine well what she was doing but was happy to just sit back and take the money. Everyone has a different opinion on Aileen Wuornos, what's yours? I always find it interesting to hear other people's thoughts on such individuals. So, without further ado, let's get into this post....

(Don't forget to check out my previous posts in this series which focused on infamous serial killers: Jeffrey DahmerRichard RamirezJohn Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy

Also take a look at a previous post in which I included Aileen's story: 5 of the World's Most Deadliest Female Killers 

 1) Aileen Wuornos who was born on the 29th of February 1956 in Rochester, Michigan (USA) was reportedly abandoned as a baby by her mother. Aileen never met her biological father who went on to take his own life in prison. 

2) Aileen was executed by lethal injection on the 9th of October 2002. She was 46 years old. 

3) Aileen became pregnant in her early teen years but the baby was given up for adoption, she never met her son.

4) Aileen was once married to an elderly wealthy man in his 70s. Depending on who you believe, the story goes that Aileen abused this man despite the security and financial stability he gave her. According to Aileen, it was the elderly man who abused her. Regular stories often pop up of friends and acquaintances who had previously tried to help Aileen in some way only for her to take advantage of them. Some believe that Aileen's attitude towards people was her way of surviving due to her tough childhood. She was always looking for who she could use next and how to get more more money. 

5) A documentary and interview that I highly recommend to give you a real glimpse into the real Aileen Wuornos, is the fascinating (and chilling) Aileen: Life and death of a Serial Killer directed and created by the legendary Nick Broomfield. 

6) Monster: My True Story, the book that inspired the movie and was written by Christopher Berry Dee in collaboration with Aileen herself is available on Amazon. 

7) Aileen's last words before her execution were: ''I'd just like to say I'm sailing with the rock I'll be back like Independence Day with Jesus, June 6, like the movie, big mother ship and all. I'll be back.'' (quite the odd statement and even more spooky is that I'm writing this post on June the 6th) 

8) Aileen's brother Keith (who had also been abandoned as a child by their mother) passed away at the young age of 21 from throat cancer. 

9) Tyria Moore was said to have been the love of Aileen's life so much so that many believe that Tyria (who was unemployed and living off of the money that Aileen was making from sex work as well as the robberies during the murders) had known all along what Aileen was doing. I'd written in my previous post about the pair moving from place to place and one of the cars that they used still had the victim's blood inside, Tyria had been in this car and was supposed to have been oblivious?, Tyria, who many believe was just as responsible for the murders (in terms of encouragement, pressure and manipulation) told the cops everything they wanted to know (her version anyway) in exchange for getting herself off the hook. She agreed to set Aileen up through secretly taped phone calls. 

10) Many believe that Aileen should have been spared the death penalty due to her past trauma and the fact that she seemed to demonstrate schizophrenic behaviours. One minute she would be remorseful for her crimes and the next she would act cold claiming that she would do it all again if she could. Some people have said that Aileen should have been in a psychiatric hospital but is all this discussion and sympathy there because she's a woman? or is it because of her childhood? Would we say the same if Aileen had been born male? One wonders what the outcome of the trial would have been today. 

Well, I hope that you found this post to be of some interest and new knowledge on Aileen Wuornos. I really highly recommend that you check out Nick Broomfield's documentary though, would love to hear your thoughts on that too. 

RIP to the innocent victims of Aileen Wuornos.

You can watch the Nick Broomfield documentary here on Amazon Prime. 

Further Reading & Sources:

5 of The World's Most Deadliest Female Serial Killers | True Crime With Caledonian Kitty

Aileen Wuornos: Life & Death of A Serial Killer | Documentary by Nick Broomfield

Monster | Book by Aileen Wuornos & Christopher Berry Dee

Aileen Wuornos | Article: Yahoo

Aileen Wuornos | Wikipedia

Aileen Wuornos | Article: The Independent

I hope you will join me in the next instalment of this series. 

Take care x